KV Education Center was founded in 2009. The idea to form this academy arose due to challenges facing youth and children in the community, challenges pertaining to the right of education and the hope of a better future.

Because of the horrendous conditions and the lack of education which affects the future lives of Children and youth in Zanzibar and Tanzania this center emphasizes the right to education for vulnerable groups such as youth and children who are incapable to continue getting education due to the different challenges they face.

KV means KIVUMBAS is one among the usefully and helpfully plant as traditional medicine in Zanzibar, this plant may treat several diseases such as: Flue, illness and early child sickness etc.  


The mission of Kv Education Center shall be to provide education and skills to Youth, Children and the Deaf so they can manage their future life and become effective members that can facilitate individual and national developments.


Vision of the center 2020-2025 to create positive learning environment where all students perform at high level and take pride in their own success.  


  • To provide education focusing on foreign language and computer skills for children in Nursery and Primary school.
  • To provide vocational training targeting deaf people in general, unprivileged children and youth by providing art work, painting, designing etc.
  • To establish a community based institution for professional courses, by teaching computer training or any other courses of the study.
  • To raise awareness of the youth, children and deaf on how they can prevent the spreading of sexual transmitted diseases particularly AIDS and identify the effects of drug abuse such as brown sugar, cocaine etc.
  • To raise community awareness on the right of animals and the needs of restoring their rights, safety, health etc.
  • To enhance and alert the youth, children and deaf on how they can preserve their environment so that they can make better use of the earth’s resources, for their own benefit at the moment, and for future generations.

Now the center offers:

Monday to Friday 17:15 – 20:30 English Classes, about 55 students Girls and Boys difference age.

Monday to Friday 08:30 – 18:00 Computer Classes about 24 students Girls and Boys, difference age.  

Monday to Friday 07:00 – 13:00 Nursery and Primary about 122 students, 63 boys and 59 girls for nursery and primary aged 3 to 12 years old.

We are doing several shows such as Maulid ya Home and Acrobatic shows by our students as fundraising to support the project of KV Education Center.

So feel free to contribute as much as you can during Show, to the Manager or direct to school.

Bank account details:

Bank Name: NMB BANK


Account Number: 23410004925.

Any one who is interesting to visit school you are welcome.